Wednesday, January 13, 2021

TN Home Gardener Starts Business to Sell Vermicompost & Organic Potting Mix Online

This species does not breed well in captivity and is normally harvested from wild stock. The worm castings have a higher percentage of both macro and micronutrients than the garden compost. Vermicompost enhances plant growth, suppresses disease in several plants, increases porosity and microbial activity in the soil, and improves water retention and aeration. To have the complete guide then will require us to go in three different stages. Vermicompost is the best fertilizer for plants, as it can easily be absorbed.

how to make vermicompost at home in tamil

Even better is that once you start harvesting, you just keep going and the maintenance needed is not as much. You need to check the temperatures and water levels and that the food for the worms is ever-present. After setting it into the bin and making sure that it has enough moisture, then you can add some dirt on top. This will make sure that the aeration in the bins is enough for the worms. This will in turn ensure that the worms stay healthy and live for longer. If you want more space to store more food waste, you could always get a bigger bin.

How to make Vermicompost at home

Worms need bedding that retains moisture well, so newspaper and cardboard are ideal. Tear the newspaper into long, 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide strips. Shred enough to fill the bin about eight inches (20.3 cm) high.

House plants will greatly advantage with vermicompost. When planting or transplanting, simply mix up to 30% vermicompost with potting soil and plant as usual. You can add a layer of vermicompost to the top of the soil for existing plants. Be careful with the worm you use because they determine the quality of vermicompost you use. You can use the regular earthworms or opt for red wrigglers in which the red wrigglers work best.

How to do Vermicompost at Home

You can get new bins from hardware stores and they would cost you less than $20. To start using vermicomposting at home you will need to set up a simple worm farm. Though there are many DIY options available over the Internet it’s better if you dig deep into this subject before setting up one at home. The best way to do so is by learning from experts. The key to safe and efficient home-based composting is using a good container.

You might be wondering why use the cow dung, which is already compost to make vermicompost right? Well, cow dung comes with a strong odor from the high ammonia percentage which is not healthy for the plants. Vermicomposting is suitable for all kinds of residential areas including high-rise apartments and busy cities.

Lady Finger Plant Diseases, Pests, Spacing (Okra/Bhindi)

Once the worms are in the bin, they help keep the smell down. Shred newspaper into thin strips to create bedding for the worms you will add. Please avoid glossy paper, such as the paper ads are often printed on. Newspaper and paper inside of phone books are safe for composting worms because the inks used in these papers are strictly regulated by the government.

how to make vermicompost at home in tamil

The normal temperature for vermicomposting is between 55 and 75°F. You will be “feeding the bin” because although worms do eat some of the waste material put into the compost bin, they generally feed on the microbes that break down the waste. Good food to put in the bin contains fruits and vegetables , coffee grounds, tea bags, and crushed eggshells.

Worms are generally sold by the pound, and one pound (.45 kg) tends to be around 1000 worms. 1000 worms is generally enough to start a worm bin. Do it with the help of nearby farmers or experts. Azhaku also sells coco peat and potting mix under the same label for the same price. “During the peak period of my business, I earned Rs 4 lakh a year. This is a huge number for someone who started from scratch using Rs 1 lakh investment,” shares Azhaku with happiness.

how to make vermicompost at home in tamil

Drill five holes each in the lid and the bottom, and at least three holes on each side of the bin.

Cardboard, such as toilet paper tubes, and egg cartons are suitable for worm bedding. Any organic material generated in the farm such as bhusa, leaf fall, etc. Horse dung, due to the risk of the Tetanus virus, lethal to human beings is not advisable to be mainly used as feeding material for earthworms. Paddy husk and pine needles have not advised being used as feeding materials for earthworms. Vermicompost enhances plant growth, suppresses disease in plants, increases porosity and microbial activity in the soil, and develops water retention and aeration.

how to make vermicompost at home in tamil

If you don’t buy a worm bin, buy a 20 gallon storage container from the store. Vermicomposting is a natural process of reusing your organic waste and converting it into valuable fertilizer. Environmentalists consider vermicomposting to be more efficient than composting because the red worms can eat up to 100 times their own weight in solid waste every day.

To prepare vermicompost using earthworms and other biodegradable wastes. Store harvested vermicompost for two to three weeks and remove the young earthworms. Epianecic are feeders on leaf litter and soil at upper layers of soil. This group such as Lampito mauritii is indigenous and is active in in-situ decomposition of organic wastes. Flowers, Vegetable plants and Fruit Trees – Apply vermicompost around the base of the plant, at any stage of development, and cover with soil. When planting new trees and shrubs, work up to 30% vermicompost into the soil in the bottom of the hole, and when backfilling.

how to make vermicompost at home in tamil

The size of the tank depends upon the availability of raw materials. The Ministry of Education GOI are interested in organising training for school drop outs in the age group of years. The flow chart of vermicompost in regional langauges is ideal for easy understanding of students. A pH range should be between 6.5 and 7.5 along with moisture content of 60-70% below and above range mortality of worms taking place.

Prepare the bed in an area away from their reach. Azhaku was disheartened, but the interest and support she received from the nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra made her pursue the venture anyway. They nurture the growth of pests and pathogens such as fruit flies, centipede and flies. Cover the tank with a thatch roof to prevent the entry of ants, lizards, mouse, snakes, etc. and protect the compost from rainwater and direct sunshine. Add a layer (2 – 3 inch) of soil or sand at the bottom of the tank. Collect the biomass and place it under the sun for about 8-12 days.

One earthworm reaching reproductive age of about 6 to 7 weeks lays one egg capsule which contains seven embryos for every 8-10 days. Thus, the multiplication of worms under optimum growth conditions is very fast. Bedding is the living medium and a food source for the worms. It is a material with high carbon and made to mimic decaying dried leaves the forest floor, the worms’ natural habitat.

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